Nov 2023: Alcohol Healthwatch Board of Trustees
Left to Right: Andrew Galloway (Exec. Director), Mike Lomas, Assoc. Professor Felicity Lamm, Heather Seal, John Coffey, Marilyn Burton (Chair), Dr Mariam Parwaiz, Tyrone Malaesaili Laurenson (absent)
Alcohol Healthwatch Trust is governed by a Board of Trustees:
Marilyn Burton - Chairperson
Marilyn joined the Trust in June 2012 bringing with her a wealth of experience in public health. Marilyn is a NZ Registered Nurse with an Advanced Diploma in Nursing, practicing as a public health nurse and health promotion advisor for Auckland Regional Public Health Service for 32 years. Her work has been involved with policy advice, planning and implementing public health programmes and initiatives with a strong focus on injury prevention and family violence prevention. Marilyn was elected as Chairperson at the AGM 13.8.13.
Mike Lomas - Treasurer
Mike is an accountant, bringing financial expertise to the board as the Treasurer. Mike is involved in community organisations for example, The Wings Trust, which provides residential support and accommodation for recovering alcoholics and drug addicts.
Heather Seal
Heather joined the Trust in September 2006. Heather has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Auckland. She has had many years’ experience in office administration, with an interest in public health issues, especially those that relate to women and young people. This has been expressed through her work at the University of Auckland, Starship Children’s Health and the Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit, and through her past involvement with National Council for Women, Auckland Grammar Old Girls Association, Methodist Mission Northern and the Girl Guide movement.
Associate Professor Felicity Lamm
Associate Professor Dr Felicity Lamm joined the Trust in September 2017. Felicity is the Co-Director of the Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Research at AUT. As a lecturer and researcher in the area of employment relations and OHS for over 30 years at the University of Auckland and recently at AUT, she has been involved in a number of government committees and inquiries, including the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Pike River Mine Tragedy and the Independent Taskforce on Workplace Health and Safety. She has had a special interest in workplace injuries, illnesses and fatalities where alcohol and drug abuse are the root causes.
Tyrone Malaesaili Laurenson
Tyrone joined the Trust in (February) 2022. He has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Auckland. As a New Zealand born Samoan Tyrone was bestowed with the chiefly title of Moananu from his late father’s village of Lufilufi in Samoa. Tyrone was a police officer for 25 years in the New Zealand Police where he rose to the rank of Inspector, and served in Dunedin, Auckland Central, the Royal New Zealand Police College and Counties-Manukau Police Districts. Tyrone moved to Samoa where he has served in administrative roles at the National University of Samoa, the Oceania School of Medicine, and the Samoa Police, Prisons & Fire Services. Tyrone brings a wealth of experience in connecting to the Pacific Island communities both in New Zealand and in Samoa.
Dr Mariam Parwaiz
Mariam joined the Trust in February 2023. She has a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery from the University of Otago, and a Bachelor of Health Sciences and a Master of Public Health from the University of Auckland. She is a Public Health Physician and a Fellow of the New Zealand College of Public Health Medicine. She has experience across the breadth of public health, including in health protection, health promotion, policy development, and health sector development. She has a strong interest in addressing the negative health outcomes caused by the harmful commodities industries.
John Coffey
Taranaki, Te Atiawa, Waikato, Ngāti Pikiao
John re-joined the AHW Trust Board in April 2023. He has a Bachelor of Applied Management and is an experienced trustee serving on several non-government organisations. John recently retired from serving two three-year terms as an elected trustee and Chair of the Port Nicholson Block Settlement Trust (PNBST), the mana whenua post treaty settlement entity in Wellington. John also served as the Finance Audit Assurance & Remuneration Committee Chair for PNBST. At the same time John served as a trustee for the Otara Health Charitable Trust and later as the General Manager and Chief Executive for the organisation. John is born and raised in South Auckland and is currently serving as the Manager Māmā, Pēpi and Tamariki Services with Turuki Health Care a kaupapa Māori Hauora service operating in South Auckland.