All links to other websites are provided for convenience only. Alcohol Healthwatch accepts no legal liability or responsibility as to the content, accuracy or use of information posted by other websites 
This website is run by the Health Promotion Agency. Information includes advice, research and resources to help prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm and inspire NZ’ers to make better decisions about drinking alcohol. This includes alcohol & pregnancy, host responsibility, licensing matters, supply to minors etc.

Health Promotion Agency
This agency has an overall statutory function to lead and support activities for the following purposes: promoting health and wellbeing and encouraging healthy lifestyles; preventing disease, illness and injury; enabling environments that support health and wellbeing and healthy lifestyles; reducing personal, social and economic harm.

In July 2022 Te Hiringa Hauora | Health Promotion Agency became part of the National Public Health Service in Health New Zealand /Te Whatu Ora.

The Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit 
This unit was an independent, peer reviewed research organisation, based in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Auckland, New Zealand.  

The Injury and Trauma Research Group 
This group collaborates with many research partners, their strategic priorities reflected in the multi-disciplinary research programme including generating policy-relevant evidence to prevent injuries at home; interventions to reduce alcohol-related trauma;  and providing research leadership for the development of innovative integrated models of pre-hospital and acute trauma service delivery.

Community Alcohol and Drug Services 
Auckland (CADS) offers a range of free services to anybody in the Auckland region wanting to solve an alcohol or drug related question, issue or problem, or are concerned about or affected by someone else's use.

Injury Prevention Research Unit
The goal of the unit is to contribute to reducing the incidence, severity and consequences of injury in New Zealand. The IPRU

Alcohol In Our Lives: Curbing the Harm 
"Alcohol In Our Lives: Curbing the Harm"  was published 27 April 2010. It was the Law Commission's final report on the review of New Zealand's liquor laws. The terms of reference for the review included- the adequacy of the current liquor licensing laws; alcohol taxation and pricing; advertising; age restrictions and the responsibilities of parents with respect to adolescent drinking.

NZ Drug Foundation
The New Zealand Drug Foundtion is committed to reducing and preventing the harms caused by drugs in New Zealand. NZDF advocates for policies and services that build a healthy society where there is the least possible harm from drug use.

Public Health Association NZ
The PHA  is a voluntary association that takes a leading role in promoting public health and influencing public policy.

The Centre for Social and Health Outcomes Research and Evaluation (SHORE) and Whariki 
SHORE is  located at Massey University(Auckland). The research team has expertise in a number of fields including alcohol and other drugs. It is funded through external research grants and contracts to undertake public good research of relevance to the health and social sectors.

The Adolescent Health Research Group
AHRG is based at the University of Auckland. It's aim is to provide accurate, up-to-date information that contributes to improved health and wellbeing for all young people in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

Safer Journeys
This the government's strategy to guide improvements in road safety over the period 2010 to 2020.  The strategy's vision is a safe road system increasingly free of death and serious injury and introduces the Safe System approach to New Zealand.

Women’s Health Action
WHA is a social change organisation, working to improve the health and wellbeing of women, their families and whanau, and communities.

FASD Links

 A non-government organisation to unite and support caregivers of those with FASD. 

Mum+ is a social enterprise group  working to help Kiwi mums make better informed decisions, and help improve the life of every Kiwi kid.

 A website of FASD family advocates for worldwide connection and prevention, providing support and information to parents, caregivers, and professionals dealing with FASD, as well as individuals living with FASD.

The University of Washington Fetal Alcohol Drug Unit  
A research unit studying FAS and FASD across the life span, disseminating research information, providing consultation for individuals affected by prenatal exposure to alcohol, and intervening with high-risk mothers to prevent future births of children with fetal alcohol and drug effects.

Ministry of Health
A website relating to FASD and the FASD Action Plan

Ministry of Education
This website provides education sector with a Guide for FASD and learning

Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Children 
An Oranga Tamariki practice centre website with resources to understand FASD-informed practice.

An Australian website for professionals to learn more about FASD.

An  Australian family-focused organisation linking those with lived experience with researchers and clinicians.

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