"Young people across the globe live in environments characterised by aggressive and ubiquitous efforts encouraging them to initiate drinking and to drink heavily” (Marc Danzon, Regional Director of WHO, 2001)
On this page: Evidence-based information and action tool, Books, Documents, Fact Sheets, Briefing Papers, Presentations, Submissions, Ministerial Forum on Alcohol and Sponsorship, Other info on the Ministerial Forum on Alcohol and Sponsorship
Liquor Store Advertising & Marketing
We know that liquor stores can be an eyesore in the environment, with their huge posters and numerous signs. This can impact the way that communities feel about where they live, reducing community wellbeing.
We also know that liquor stores often feature images of alcohol brands, products and drinking occasions. Children, young people and persons with alcohol use disorders are vulnerable to these forms of advertising, increasing alcohol-related harm.
Restricting signs and advertising at liquor stores is a win-win. We can create healthier, fairer environments that support people to drink less and reap the amazing benefits.
For all the up-to-date information on alcohol advertising and sponsorship and how to take action, please visit our action tool ActionPoint.

Highly recommended: “Youth drinking cultures in a digital world: Alcohol, social media and cultures of intoxication”. Edited by Antonia Lyons, Tim McCreanor, Ian Goodwin, and Helen Moewaka Barnes. Click here for more info
11 Aug 2022 - Report: Exposure to alcohol-related branding at community-level rugby and rugby league games across Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland June 2022
Feb 2021- Ineffective, meaningless, inequitable: analysis of complaints to a voluntary alcohol advertising code (New Zealand Medical Journal research letter)

Dec 2020 - Analysis of complaints made to the Advertising Standards Authority Code for Advertising and Promotion of Alcohol: 2017-2020

Jun 2019 - An exploratory audit of off-licence compliance with the Auckland Council Signage Bylaw: Albert-Eden Local Board

Jun 2019 - An exploratory audit of off-licence compliance with the Auckland Council Signage Bylaw: Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board

Dec 2023: Infographics - Alcohol advertising near schools in Auckland
Read the Full Report Alcohol advertising exposure near schools in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland

Jul 2023: Factsheet - Alcohol advertising exposure near schools in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland

Jul 2023: Factsheet - Alcohol sponsorship and marketing at music festivals in Aotearoa New Zealand
2022 - Alcohol sponsorship of sport in Aotearoa New Zealand
2022 - Factsheet - Are you concerned about alcohol advertising and signs at local alcohol outlets?
2021 - Taking action on alcohol outlet signage: improving amenity and preventing harm
2021 - Alcohol Marketing
2019 - Signage at bottle stores: Albert-Eden Local Board
2019 - Signage at bottle stores: Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board
2009 - Information Sheet: Alcohol and Advertising
2006 - Alcohol Marketing- Key Issues
2020 - Evidence-based alcohol policies (includes information on advertising and sponsorship)
2005 - Alcohol Marketing Update
2003 - The Advertising of Alcohol: In Support of Increased Restrictions
March 2013 : THE PERILS OF ALCOHOL MARKETING - Alcohol Action NZ Annual Conference
Video 1 : Introductory Comments - Dr Geoff Robinson, Alcohol Action NZ
Video 2 : Alcohol Harms - Prof. Jennie Connor, University of Otago
Video 3: Responsible Alcohol Marketing: A Public Health Oxymoron? - Prof. Janet Hoek, University of Otago
Video 4: Where Would Alcohol Companies Be Without Alcohol Marketing? - Prof. Sally Casswell, Massey University
Video 5 : Alcohol Advertising And Sponsorship, Young People Need A Sporting Chance - Dr Kerry O'Brien, Monash University (Australia)
Video 6: The Culture Of Intoxication: Young Adults, Social Networking And Alcohol Marketing - Assoc Prof. Antonia Lyons, Massey University
2021 - Community submission template for the Auckland Council consultation on signs and advertising at liquor stores
2020 - Submission to the Advertising Standards Authority on the Influencers: Making it clear that ads are ads consultation
2019 - ASA review of the Code for Advertising and Promotion of Alcohol
2019 - ASA review of the Code for Advertising and Promotion of Alcohol
2003 -Liquor Advertising Review
ASA Complaint
2021 Speight's sponsorship of the Highlanders
The report from the Ministerial Forum on Alcohol Advertising and Sponsorship was released on Wednesday 17th December 2014. The Forum has made 14 recommendations focussed on restricting the exposure of minors to alcohol advertising and sponsorship. The 14 recommendations are:
Reducing Youth Exposure through Sponsorship
- Ban alcohol sponsorship of all streamed and broadcast sports
- Ban alcohol sponsorship of sports (long-term)
- Ban alcohol sponsorship (naming rights) at all venues
- Ban alcohol sponsorship of cultural and music events where 10% or more of participants and audiences are younger than 18
- Introduce a sponsorship replacement funding programme
- Introduce a targeted programme to reduce reliance on alcohol sponsorship funding
Reducing Youth Exposure through Advertising
- Ban alcohol advertising during streamed and broadcast sporting events
- Ban alcohol advertising where 10% or more of the audience is younger than 18
- Further restrict the hours for alcohol advertising on broadcast media
- Continue to offset remaining alcohol advertising by funding positive messaging across all media
- Introduce additional restrictions on external advertising on licensed venues and outlets
Strengthening the current system of co-regulation
- Establish an independent authority to monitor and initiate complaints about alcohol advertising and sponsorship
- Establish a mechanism to identify and act on serious or persistent breaches of advertising standards
- Establish a multi-stakeholder committee to periodically review and assess Advertising Standards Complaints Board decisions and pre-vetted advertising.
You can view the Minister’s media release here: http://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/alcohol-forum-report-released
You can view the Forum’s full report here: http://www.health.govt.nz/publication/ministerial-forum-alcohol-advertising