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7 May 2022: The Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Harm Minimisation) Bill
In June 2021, Green Party MP Chlӧe Swarbrick put the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Harm Minimisation) Amendment Bill (the Bill) into the Private Members’ ballot. For the Bill to be debated in Parliament, it must either be drawn at random from the ballot or, to bypass the ballot lottery, it must have 61 non-executive (non-Minister) MPs support it.
Alcohol Reform
The Alcohol Reform Bill passed its third and final reading in Parliament on 11th December 2012. The Act, known as the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012, received Royal Assent on Tuesday 18th December 2012, concluding a four-year debate.
The Committee of the whole House divided the Alcohol Reform Bill into 3 Bills with new titles:
- Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012
- Local Government (Alcohol Reform) Amendment Act 2012
- Summary Offences (Alcohol Reform) Amendment Act 2012
The majority of the sections included in the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 had a 6-12 month time lag between the date of Royal Assent and commencement, therefore substantial changes would not come into effect until 2014.
Click the following link to see the schedule of the commencement of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Alcohol Reform Bill Nov 2010 (PDF-4MB)
Alcohol Reform Bill Digest (PDF-80KB)
More Information:
How to Make a Submission
Submission template
Info on the Key Issues
2015 - Submission Template - Submission to the Justice and Electoral Select Committee onThe Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Extended licensing hours during Rugby World Cup) Bill
For more info on the bill click here
2011 - Submission - Alcohol Reform Bill
2009 - Submission to the Law Commission Review & Response to the Issues paper - Alcohol In Our Lives
2009 - Submission to Law Commission "Alcohol In Our Lives", By FANNZ
Submission Toolkit - Sale & Supply of Liquor and Enforcement Bill (pdf)
This toolkit includes a summary and commentary on the Bill. Written submissions were due Thursday 23 April 2009 to Parliament's Justice and Electoral Select Committee.
Briefing Paper:
27 May 2022: The Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Harm Minimisation) Bill
2004 - The Sale of Liquor in New Zealand - Recommended Changes to the Act (PDF)
Fact Sheet:
2009 - Information Sheet - Sale and Supply of Liquor
Community Objections
2021 - Collective DHB Position Statement on the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012
2017: Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Renewal of Licences) Amendment Bill
We were delighted to hear that Hon. Louisa Wall’s Private Members Bill - the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Renewal of Licences) Amendment Bill - has been drawn from the ballot. We look forward to some evidence-based debate in due course and will alert you to submission opportunities should they arise.
This Bill provides that where a local alcohol policy is in place under the provisions of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 any renewal of a licence under the Act must not be inconsistent with the provisions of that local alcohol policy.
2013 - Booklet - The Last Chance for a generation Alcohol law reform in NZ 2012
2013 - Regional Alcohol Forum Document: Key Aspects of the Sale & Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. Alcohol Healthwatch
2010 - Alcohol in our Lives - Curbing the Harm
2010 - 2010 Health & Lifesytles Survey - Alcohol Related Attitudes; Health Sponsorship Council 2011 (PDF)