17 Oct 2024: Media - New Factsheet a Reminder that Healthier Environments Reduce Cancer

19 Jun 2024:  NZIER cost of alcohol harms in New Zealand estimate a staggering $9.1 billion 

29 Feb 2024:  Drinkers harm more than themselves - new study reveals alarming magnitude


8 Sept 2023: Media - "I Wish people knew…" Campaign amplifying the voices of those impacted by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

25 Aug 2023: Empowering Communities to control alcohol in their neighbourhoods

8 Jun 2023: Long awaited relief for communities in alcohol law changes

5 May 2023: A win for local democracy

20 Mar 2023: Alcohol advertising on social media platforms

14 Mar 2023: Delay of alcohol law reform false economy


13 Dec 2022:  Action needed to address high levels of alcohol harm among Rainbow students

7 Dec 2022: ‘Community Participation’ Bill will enable a fairer alcohol licensing process

24 Nov 2022: Celebrations as Auckland moves to clean up alcohol product advertising

9 Sept 2022: FASD Awareness Day: faster progress needed to prevent and support 

11 Aug 2022: Grassroots sport doesn’t rely on alcohol company sponsorship

7 Apr 2022:  New Zealand’s two largest Councils call for alcohol law reform

24 Mar 2022: Health authorities congratulate Auckland Council for leadership on alcohol harm


10 Dec 2021: Tauranga must be stronger in its draft policy to reduce alcohol harm 

4 Nov 2021: Study shows alcohol sold at pocket money prices

29 Sept 2021: Commissioners show leadership on FASD by invoking statutory mandate

27 Sept 2021: DHBs call for stronger action on alcohol will improve health and equity

9 Sept 2021: Global message to prevent harm from drinking during pregnancy

25 Feb 2021: Salvation Army and Public Health Experts alarm at increases in high-strength alcohol on our shelves

19 Feb 2021: Ineffective voluntary code for alcohol advertising must be scrapped


16 Dec 2020: Voluntary advertising Code prioritises alcohol industry over community

29 Oct 2020 - Public need to know when broadcasting standards for alcohol have been breached

9 Sept 2020 - Global message to prevent harm from drinking during pregnancy

17 July 2020 -  Trans-Tasman Ministers vote in favour of world’s strongest alcohol warning label  

7 July 2020 - Alcohol Health Warning Label Vote Imminent 20 years to advocate for change

30 Jun 2020 - Ministers urged to approve effective pregnancy health warning on alcohol labels

4 Apr 2020 - Government urged to rethink giving free reign to online alcohol sales

25 Mar 2020 - Liquor industry tantrum undermines effective regulation of pregnancy warning labels

2 Mar 2020 -  Bated breath as decision on alcohol and pregnancy warning labels rests with Ministers


14 Nov 2019 - New drinking stats show extra cause for concern

6 Sept 2019  - Looking to the future this FASD Awareness Day

29 May 2019 - Serious action on alcohol side-lined in Government’s response to Mental Health and Addiction

21 Feb 2019 - Tax review fails to heed calls for urgency on alcohol tax


4 Dec 2018 - Strong Action on Alcohol Needed to Support Better Mental Health

15 Nov 2018 - Number of hazardous drinkers now tops three-quarters of a million

11 Oct 2018 - Ministers vote for effective pregnancy warning labels on all alcohol products

30 Sep 2018 -  Media: Celebrations as Auckland Transport says no to alcohol advertising 

7 Sep 2018 - New Study Highlights importance of FASD Awareness Day

24 Apr 2018 - Decision from Advertising Standards Authority: Beer the Beautiful Truth

24 Apr 2018 - Media release: Beer the Beautiful Truth

22 Mar 2018 - Media - South Auckland community 'success' in preventing a 5th off-licence opening

26 Feb 2018 - Media - Heaviest drinking quarter since new liquor laws came into effect

23 Jan 2018 - Media- Addressing cheap alcohol needs to be on the table of the Mental Health Inquiry


16 Nov 2017 - Media - New Zealand recommended to move on a floor price for alcohol as Scots defeat European Big Booze 
8 Sept 2017 -  Media - Rising Women’s Drinking Highlights Importance of FASD Awareness Day 
8 Sept 2017 - Media - NZ Rugby not tackling alcohol issues head on  
21 Jul 2017 - Media -Takapuna locals call for Government review after 'saddening' decision on bar opening hours  
20 Jul 2017 - Media - Communities win and lose against the alcohol industry
19 Jul 2017 - Auckland PLAP Decision


15 Dec 2016 - Media - Report: Community wishes overshadowed by alcohol industry power
16 Aug 2016 - Media - Government Action Plan to address Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) – a milestone worth celebrating
Click here for the Govt Action Plan Document
Feb 2016 - Media- Canadian experts visit New Zealand as Government calls for submissions on FASD action plan


10 Dec 2015 - Piece meal approach to alcohol policy to blame for an increase in hazardous drinking rates
26 Feb 2015 - Alcohol Consumption Decline Little More Than Drop in the Bucket


17 Dec 2014 - Alcohol Advertising and Sponsorship Forum commended for common sense
Link to Report - Ministerial Forum On Alcohol Advertising & Sponsorship Oct 2014
21 Nov 2014 - Tasman Local Alcohol Policy appeal dismissal should empower local councils
8 Oct 2014 - Media - More to be done on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
4 Sept 2014 - Aucklanders more at risk from alcohol-related harms
Snapshot Alcohol-Related Harm 2013 Ak vs NZ Snapshot Alcohol-Related Harm 2013 -Methology
30 June 2014 - Media - Alcohol labelling decision a travesty of justice for unborn babies
18 June 2014 - Media - Community alcohol survey results support restrictions
9 June 2014 - Media - Call to Action on Alcohol Hits the Mark
Related release - Call for action on alcohol from 37 New Zealand leaders
14 May 2014 - Media - Violence, vomit and vandalism not our future, says Alcohol Healthwatch
14 Apr 2014 - Media - Hospitality sector tactics mar Local Alcohol Policy process
4 Apr 2014 - Media - Alcohol harm figures speak for themselves
4 Mar 2014 - Media - Criminialising pregnant women for drinking alcohol wrong response


19 Nov 2013 - Media - Health Committee report into improving child health outcomes and preventing child abuse
13 Nov 2013 - Auckland Judge to provide keynote address to Brisbane Conference on FASD
4 Nov 2013 - Media are invited to hear leading Australian alcohol harm reduction researcher, Associate Professor Peter Millar 6-8 Nov 2013 - LAP Policies Information Sheet
4 Nov 2013 - Lower blood alcohol level for drivers announced - a great day for New Zealand!
5 Sept 2013 - Media - FASD Awareness Day Event 9/9/13
23 Jul 2013 - TPPA & alcohol warning labels
27 Mar 2013 - Lower BAC: Now & For All


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